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Wayne Allyn Root: Trump Never Groped Women Because He's 'One Of The Handsomest Billionaires That's Ever Lived'

Donald Trump-loving sycophant and ardent conspiracy theorist Wayne Allyn Root was a guest on "The Real Side" radio show last week(link is external), where he told host Joe Messina that Trump has never groped a woman in his life, despite having been recorded bragging(link is external) about doing so, because he is "one of the handsomest billionaires that's ever lived" and has been sent by God to "save us all."

Root rejoiced that Trump's army of "deplorable" supporters have now taken over the GOP, warning that these "savages" are intent on burning Washington, D.C. to the ground.

"Donald Trump is a middle finger to Washington, D.C.," Root crowed, before warning Christians that they cannot sit on the sideline in this election because Hillary Clinton and the Democrats "are coming to take our Bibles away."

"If you're a Christian, you just can't spend your life worrying about the words of Donald Trump from 11 years ago," Root said, "or what women he groped 30 years ago. I don't believe any of it anyway. I believe Donald Trump is one of the handsomest billionaires that's ever lived; I don't think he ever had to grope a single woman ever. I think they threw themselves at him, so it's all a lie."

"The man isn't a perfect Christian," Root admitted, but he is "the perfect guy sent from God and from central casting to be the vicious guy we needed to save America, save capitalism, fight the Clinton crime cartel and save Christianity from these vicious, vicious people. They're terrible, dirty people and a nice guy could have never won this war. Only a dirty player could win the war, so I think Donald's the perfect guy, sent by God to fill the perfect role and save us all."