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Trump Picks Fellow Conspiracy Theorist Wayne Allyn Root To Emcee Nevada Rally

Wayne Allyn Root, a Nevada activist and the 2008 Libertarian nominee for vice president, comes across as something like the poor man’s Donald Trump. Like Trump, Root is loud, bombastic and full of barely thought-through conspiracy theories about President Obama. The two also know each other(link is external): Trump wrote a blurb for Root’s most recent book and Root volunteered to be Trump’s “Karl Rove” if he’s elected president.

So it makes perfect sense that Trump picked Root to emcee(link is external) a Ctrl+Click or tap to follow the link"> campaign rally (link is external) he is hosting tonight in Las Vegas in advance of tomorrow’s GOP presidential debate.

Root boasted of his role in the Trump rally during a rambling speech at a summit hosted by Frank Gaffney today that at least three GOP candidates are scheduled to attend.

Here is a brief introduction to some of Root’s favorite conspiracy theories, which we can only imagine he will touch upon at tonight’s rally:

1. Obama Both Did And Did Not Attend Columbia

Root’s signature(link is external) conspiracy theory(link is external) has to do with Obama’s time at Columbia University, which Root says is where Obama learned his strategy to impose socialist control on the U.S. even though, according to Root, he was never seen in classes and probably is lying about going to Columbia at all.

Root attended Columbia at the same time as Obama (if Obama really did attend Columbia!) and so can attest that the president was never seen in class but also was indoctrinated into Marxism during his classes at Columbia (link is external) .

2. Obama ‘Cut His Afro’ To Become The ‘Manchurian Candidate’

Root put a new spin on his Obama theory (link is external) during a 2014 campaign stop for Mississippi Senate candidate Chris McDaniel, when he said that Obama’s Columbia classes (which he both did and did not attend) taught him to “cut his afro” in order to infiltrate the political class and become a “Manchurian candidate” meant to take down America from within.

3. Obama Is A Sociopath Who Will Kill Us All

Root has diagnosed Obama(link is external) as an “arrogant, egomaniacal sociopath” who is either “mentally ill” or committing treason (link is external) and must be removed from office(link is external) “before he kills us all” with Ebola-ridden terrorists(link is external).

4. Obama Wants A Race War So He Can Impose Martial Law

Like many conservative commentators, Root contends that America’s troubles with race were in the past until Obama came along to divide everyone, saying that the president “didn’t come in to help us end the specter of racism, he brought it back(link is external).”

Root wrote(link is external) during the protests in Ferguson, Missouri, that “Obama needs ‘division.’ Race warfare. Class warfare. Anger. Resentment. Civil war.” Obama, he wrote, saw Ferguson as “the perfect opportunity to divide the nation, to incite unrest and violence across America” and could “use spreading unrest to declare martial law.”

5. Democrats Win By Voting 10 Times Each

Root has taken voter fraud hysteria to a new level, claiming last year(link is external) that President Obama won reelection because “Democratic voters across this country are voting four times, five times, 10 times each for the Democrats.”

Root is sure that the same mischief is afoot for 2016 (link is external) and that Hillary Clinton is conspiring with Obama and with the defunct organization ACORN to steal the presidential election.

6. Somebody Is Blackmailing John Roberts

Root had a reasonable reaction(link is external) to the Supreme Court’s rejection of another challenge to the Affordable Care Act in the King v. Burwell decision this year: