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Porter: Obama Threatens Our 'Ability to Exist,' Committed 'Ultimate Hate Crime'

Janet Porter stopped by TruNews with Rick Wiles on Wednesday to publicize her new film project, The Criminalization of Christianity, and discuss the alleged IRS targeting of conservative groups. After making the laughable claim that conservative groups “weren’t allowed to exist” during the 2012 election cycle, she made the even more absurd argument that Obamacare will jeopardize our “ability to exist as a live human being” and that conservatives will be denied “lifesaving treatment.”

This is what it’s come down to, political profiling and targeting. I believe the elections were effected, if you basically target every Tea Party group and every conservative group that might just inform their members of what’s going on and what’s at stake, they weren’t allowed to exist. When you keep in mind that these same people at the IRS are going to be deciding whether we ourselves can exist because we’re now giving them the keys to control our healthcare, whether or not we receive life-saving treatment, and if they target people based on their political views for their ability to exist as an organization, why would they not use the same tactics to target individuals on whether or not they have the ability to exist as a live human being who is denied the lifesaving treatment that they now are in control of? These are frightening times. I was talking to Tom DeLay and I said to him this: they may have the power, they may have the technology and they may have a lot of things but we have a couple of things we have going for us, we have the truth and we have God.

For the conservatives who do survive the Obamacare death panels, Porter predicts a grim future where people are thrown in jail for speaking against gay marriage or refusing to perform gay nuptials. She also alleged that Obama’s gaffe about visiting fifty-seven states was really a sign that he is a Muslim because there are fifty-seven members of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation.

She added that Obama and Hillary Clinton used (or orchestrated) the Benghazi attack to criminalize anti-Muslim speech. Repeating Bill Federer’s debunked claims(link is external) about the Benghazi attack, Porter said the Obama administration committed the “ultimate hate crime” and “hate crime of hate crimes” over the death of Amb. Christopher Stevens, whom she thinks was gay.

I’m working on a film right now called the Criminalization of Christianity, after the book it’s basically the updated message from leaders of what’s at stake in the battle for marriage. If we don’t win it, it is going to be the criminalization of Christianity: it will be pastors who are carried off into jail for not performing homosexual marriages; it’s going to be those of us who dare to say there’s hope for change and let me tell you about a God of the impossible that can change your heart and change your life, that’s going to be illegal.

I just interviewed Bill Federer, he said to me that [Hillary Clinton] promised the fifty-seven Islamic states—remember when Barack Obama said that he traveled to all fifty-seven states, it’s just ironically, coincidentally, fifty-seven Islamic states and that’s what he was referring to, he didn’t mess up with how many American states, his allegiance was elsewhere in my opinion—so what happened was the promise was made by Hillary I’m told that don’t worry we’re going to make sure we silence all disagreement of Islam.

So when Benghazi came down and the ambassador there—who I’m told was a homosexual, talk about the hate crime of hate crimes, if this is true, the government ignoring his pleas for help, that’s probably the ultimate hate crime by letting this man die and telling others to stand down—they took advantage or created it on purpose, they took this crisis and they said, here we got something, we’re going to pick somebody who’s got an amateur video and he’s got some other issues and we’re going to pick on him and we’re going to silence his voice because if they let us silence his voice, then tomorrow we’re going to silence your pastor’s voice and your voice.