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Glenn Beck Accuses Breitbart Of Acting As The 'Goebbels' To Donald Trump's 'Brownshirts'

As we noted earlier today, Glenn Beck was alarmed by the behavior of some Donald Trump supporters during last night's caucuses in Nevada and responded by blasting the Trump campaign(link is external) for "grooming Brownshirts." On his radio program today(link is external), Beck also blasted the right-wing website Breitbart for its coverage(link is external) of his experience at the caucuses, accusing the website of having turned itself into an arm of the Trump campaign and likening its executive chairman, Steve Bannon(link is external), to Hitler's propagandist Joseph Goebbels.

Bannon, Beck said, "is a horrible, despicable human being" and asserted that "Andrew Breitbart would be spinning in his grave right now" if he knew what Bannon had done to his website. 

Bannon is either angling to become President Trump's chief of staff or is hoping to turn himself "into the next Roger Ailes," Beck declared, accusing Bannon of taking orders from "a guy who builds golf courses."

"What that makes you is not Roger Ailes," Beck said to Bannon. "By taking orders from a political candidate and reworking your entire site to promote the lies of a specific candidate without any kind of truth behind these things and just spinning all of it, doing what you've done to Breitbart and anybody who reads Breitbart knows exactly what's going on; if that is what your idea of being Roger Ailes is, you are so sadly mistaken. That doesn't make you Roger Ailes, that makes you Goebbels."