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Daily Kos: Rob Reiner's God & Country Doc Exposes Toxic Political Power of Christian Nationalism

First published in Daily Kos. 

God & Country Documentary Screen
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Right Wing Watch provided research for the documentary God & Country that explores dark undertones in politics and the rise of the Far Right. 

God & Country is a new documentary produced by Rob Reiner and his wife Michele. The film examines the rise of Christian nationalism; the way activists use the Bible to justify their political positions, and its growing political influence. Reiner, best known for his acting role in the 1970s sitcom “All in the Family” and for directing a series of beloved comedies, including This is Spinal Tap, The Princess Bride and When Harry Met Sally, told the Jewish Telegraphic Agency that “For decades, I was aware of… what we call now Christian nationalism. It’s a political movement, really, certainly not a spiritual or religious movement, and it started gaining more and more strength.”


Research and background material for the film was provided by Right Wing Watch, a project of People For the American Way, the organization founded by the late Norman Lear, the creator of “All in The Family,” and a number of other popular television series. Right Wing Watch’s Kyle Mantyla recently noted that “The roster of right-wing figures featured in the film reads like a who’s who of Right Wing Watch posts over the years; the film’s credits include thanks to Right Wing Watch for providing source material. In anticipation of the film’s release, we have put together his a quick overview of just who these activists are to help viewers understand their views and roles within the larger Christian nationalist movement”

Read the full article at the Daily Kos.