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Daily Kos: Heritage Foundation to Project 2025s Critics: ‘Radical leftists are terrified … and they should be’

First published in the Daily Kos.

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People For's Right Wing Watch is quoted extensively in this article about the threat that Project 2025 poses to American democracy. 

The Heritage Foundation, the country’s most powerful right-wing think-tank, has come under intense scrutiny by journalists and progressive activists over Project 2025 -- also known as the Presidential Transition Project – and its 900-+ page Mandate for Leadership: The Conservative Promise, an authoritarian blueprint for seizing. and maintaining, hard line conservative political power for decades to come.


As Right Wing Watch’s Peter Montgomery observed, Heritage’s “5 Reasons Leftists HATE Project 2025” “is less of a substantive engagement with Project 2025 critics and more of a Trumpish exercise in name-calling and inflammatory MAGA-movement rhetoric meant to demonize opponents.”


According to People for the American Way’s Svante Myrick, “political opponents … would be in the crosshairs of a weaponized Department of Justice because the plan’s call for total presidential control of executive departments would end 50 years of an independent Department of Justice."

Myrick noted that nonpartisan civil servants – perhaps as many as 50,000 -- who make our government tick “would be slated for firing and replacement by people chosen for their loyalty to Trump.”

Read the full article at Daily Kos.