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WND's Birther-in-Chief Welcomed Back to CPAC

For the last several years, there has been a feud underway between various Religious Right groups and the organizers of the annual CPAC conference, primarily(link is external) over the participation(link is external) of the gay conservative group GOProud.

Religious Right groups had been boycotting the event in recent years, but the American Conservative Union, which organizes the event, got a new chairman last year who has made it a priority to try and unify the movement.  As such, GOProud has been kicked out and now the Religious Right leaders are flocking(link is external) back(link is external) to the event.

But it is not just Religious Right leaders that CPAC is wooing back, but even Birther king Joseph Farah of WorldNetDaily.  Since 2009, Farah has been(link is external) on(link is external) a(link is external) crusade(link is external) against CPAC, stemming mainly from a refusal(link is external) to allow him to host a panel questioning President Obama's citizenship.

But it looks like any hard feelings between Farah and CPAC have likewise been patched up as Farah will be hosting a panel(link is external) on Friday morning(link is external):