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Vote Planned for Anti-Civil Rights Nominee to Run DOJ's Civil Rights Division

The Senate is planning to vote as soon as October 10 or 11 on a far-right Trump nominee to an important government position—someone who has dedicated his career to denying people’s basic rights and advancing the interests of corporations over everybody else—someone who has blatantly lied under oath to the Senate Judiciary Committee …

Last week it was Brett Kavanaugh. This week, it’s Eric Dreiband, Trump’s nominee to run the Civil Rights Division at the Justice Department.

Our letter of opposition last year sets out in detail why PFAW opposes Eric Dreiband. Both professionally and personally, he has worked to limit access to justice for victims of discrimination. He stands in opposition to the mission of the Division he now wants to run. When Democratic senators on the Judiciary Committee confronted him about his record, Dreiband blatantly lied in response.

The nation saw just how low Republican senators are willing to go to get someone who shares their agenda confirmed to the Supreme Court. Now, after delaying Dreiband’s floor vote for a year, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., apparently feels confident that his caucus will send this DOJ nominee to wreck the Civil Rights Division.

So we should call our senators and urge them to stand strong and oppose Dreiband.

Then as soon as we hang up, get involved in the midterm elections and help Democrats retake the chamber. Nominees like Dreiband shouldn’t have even gotten out of committee.