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Voting Rights

The Black Vote is Critical – and Under Attack

News & Analysis

Throughout the history of America, people of color have had to fight every step of the way for their right to vote. Against all obstacles thrown at them in 2020 and early 2021, voters of color turned out in record numbers. In response to that turn out extremist forces are now doing whatever they can to pass laws and adopt procedures that will make it harder to vote, particularly for voters of color. In Georgia and Florida, and all around the country, state legislatures have passed bills designed to suppress voting rights – including making it illegal to hand out water to waiting voters.

With the filibuster having stalled the passage of federal legislation for now, we’re fighting to Defend the Black Vote in other key ways this year.

Combat Voter Suppression and Educate Voters

In order to combat misinformation and other tried-and-true voter suppression tactics, we will be working this year to provide Black voters with timely and accurate information they need to vote. We’ll do this through our channels, our activist partners, and with coalition engagement.

Mobilize Black Voters

Using all the digital and on-the-ground tools at our disposal, we will work to engage Black voters in elections across the country, including providing them with tools to do outreach in their own communities to increase voter participation and awareness.

Activate Our Leadership Networks

Activating People For’s African American Religious Affairs network of more than 2,000 Black ministers and our Young Elected Officials network of more than 1,300 elected progressives from across the nation, we will work to increase voter participation by giving these faith and elected leaders the tools they need to make sure their communities get out the vote in every election.

What Next?

Stay tuned to People For’s channels for more on how we will be working to Defend the Black Vote this year – and strategizing to maintain this work beyond 2022!