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Lower Federal Courts

Launch of “Our Courts, Our Fight”

News & Analysis

Since the early days of 2017, People For the American Way's “Confirmed Judges, Confirmed Fears” series has documented the harmful impact of the Trump administration’s appellate and Supreme Court judges on Americans’ rights and liberties. Now that the Senate is making significant progress confirming judicial nominees of the current administration, which People For continues to champion on a number of fronts, including through our Her Fight, Our Fight project, we are refocusing our work to help promote the effort to take back our federal courts so they will more effectively protect the rights and liberties of all.

As part of that effort, we will continue to track harmful decisions involving ultra-conservative, narrow-minded extremists on appellate courts, and also explain how they show the need for confirmation of fair-minded nominees, under Our Courts, Our Fight. New Supreme Court and circuit court decisions that have a broad impact, as well as previous appellate court rulings we have already documented, will be posted on our blog and can be found by issue and by judge at the renamed Our Courts, Our Fight website.

In addition, we will document the harmful impact of rulings by extremist district court judges that wrongly overturn or interfere with lawful efforts by the current administration and Congress to help the American people in areas ranging from COVID-19 recovery to civil rights to environmental protection. Separate blog posts will describe individual decisions, and the entire group of such harmful district court decisions will be collected and posted on this "Our Courts, Our Fight" blog entry that will be updated at least monthly. Confirming fair-minded judicial nominees to help counteract these harmful rulings by ultra-conservative judges is very important, and this blog series will hopefully help in all of our efforts.

Visit the site here.