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Gordon: A Disgraced Senate and President Have No Business Confirming Judges

Donald Trump next to a gavel and the scales of justice

In a new op-ed featured in The Hill, PFAW Senior Fellow Paul Gordon ties the Republican Senate’s role in Trump’s sham impeachment cover-up to their role in confirming Trump’s dangerous judicial nominees. By doing so, these senators are further enabling Trump’s whims -- and proving that they’ll will do whatever it takes to advance Trump’s extreme agenda, including jeopardizing our courts.

Stressing the consequences to our country, Gordon writes:

“Trump and Senate Republicans are populating our federal courts with lifetime judges who believe that many reasonable restrictions on untrammeled corporate power are unconstitutional; that we have no constitutional right to abortion; that the Equal Protection Clause does not include LGBTQ+ people; that law enforcement officers are immune from accountability for unconstitutional abuses of power, including deadly force; that the government can endorse and even financially support religion; and more..”

Our judicial system has been jeopardized by a self-serving president who is enabled by dishonorable senators who regularly prove their willingness to put their own interests before the those of the American people. If we are to preserve public trust in our courts, we must hold both the president and his Senate enablers accountable for their actions in November.

Read the op-ed here.