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Doubling Down on Voter Suppression in Arizona and Georgia

Occupy Wall Street joined the NAACP as thousands marched in midtown Manhattan on December 10, 2011 to defend voting rights.
News & Analysis

Arizona and Georgia passed new anti-voter laws among the tidal wave of restrictive voting legislation that rolled in during 2021. Apparently not content to rest on their laurels, both states are among those who’ve already moved new bills in 2022.

In Arizona, Governor Doug Ducey is weighing whether to sign HB 2492, which would enact the most extreme voter purge in the country. It would also require already registered voters to prove their citizenship and re-register. And it would create unnecessary voter registration barriers by requiring the submission of additional documents proving residency, among other appalling provisions. The governor must veto this bill.

In Georgia, HB 1464 risks criminalizing voters by giving the Georgia Bureau of Investigation original jurisdiction over election related investigations. It would ban donations of food and water to counties and polling places. It also paves the way for sham ballot reviews that could lead to the subversion of election results. The list goes on. With House passage done and likely Senate passage looming, Governor Brian Kemp can still stop this bill.

If you live in Arizona or Georgia, please take time now to call either Governor Ducey or Governor Kemp, respectively, and urge them to use their veto pens to protect the vote.

If you don’t live in one of those states, add your name today to urge your state legislators to ensure that everyone can cast a ballot that counts.

And we all need to keep calling on Congress to do their part and pass federal reforms like the Freedom to Vote: John R. Lewis Act.