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Ben Jealous: “Graham’s Support for a Supreme Court Nominee Puts SC Health Care at Risk”  

Lindsay Graham

In an op-ed in the Post and Courier, PFAW President Ben Jealous criticizes Sen. Lindsey Graham for his open support for processing an anti-health care Supreme Court nominee in the middle of a public health crisis.

The pandemic has exacerbated the already high stakes, Jealous writes. The fate of the Affordable Care Act will soon be in the hands of the Supreme Court – and South Carolinians must hold Graham accountable for failing to protect them.

He writes:

“U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham has made it clear he will support the nominee, which would allow her to rule on the future of health care …

Graham’s support for President Donald Trump’s nominee, Judge Amy Coney Barrett, will push the court further to the right, threatening health care, workers’ rights and the ability to address climate change. She has publicly criticized the 2012 Supreme Court decision to uphold crucial health care protections, such as coverage for preexisting conditions, and it is a safe assumption that when the court hears arguments on the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act in Texas v. California, she will vote to strike it down …

The stakes for the American people are just too high. We can stop Lindsey Graham from taking away the health care of millions of Americans in the middle of this pandemic. We can hold him accountable for his words and actions. We can and must vote him out.”

Read the op-ed here.