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Alec Baldwin in USA Today: “Virginia deserves the attention of all of us”

Actor Alec Baldwin holds Amanda Pohl's hand at a campaign event.

In a new op-ed in USA Today, actor and People For the American Way board member Alec Baldwin discussed the importance of the upcoming 2019 Virginia state legislative election and emphasized why turning Virginia blue by electing progressive Democratic candidates is a must.

“It’s hard to overstate just how much is riding on Virginia’s elections and how they could influence the ultimate fortunes of Trump and Republicans. Virginia was always going to be the warmup act for the 2020 elections: an early gauge of Americans’ appetite to repudiate Trump and Trumpism,” Baldwin wrote. “But with impeachment under way, the stakes are phenomenally higher. There’s just no way a big win for Democrats in Virginia won’t be read as a referendum on impeachment, and no way the opposite outcome won’t be read the opposite way. These things have a way of shaping the long-term electoral narrative…It could make a substantive difference in the 2020 political landscape, not to mention in the lives of Virginians.”

Read the op-ed here.